Frequently asked questions



Where can I download my Print Yourself PDFs?

Instant download after your purchase
You can instantly download your Print Yourself PDFs on the order confirmation page after your payment has been confirmed. To download, click on the download button for each file. You can then choose where to save the file on your computer or it will be automatically downloaded to your default downloads folder.

From your order confirmation e-mail
After the order we will send you the link to the download page additionally in the order confirmation email. Receiving the email may take a few minutes. If you do not receive an order confirmation in your inbox, please also check your spam folder.

In your customer account
You can also access your purchased Print Yourself PDFs from anywhere and at any time by logging into your customer account and navigating to "My Downloads".


Where can I find the Print Yourself PDFs on my computer?

On Windows
When you’ve downloaded a Print Yourself PDF file on Windows 10 or 11, you can usually find it in a special folder called “Downloads.” By default, it is located in your user folder with the path C:\Users\[User Name]\Downloads , where “[User Name]” is your Windows user account name.

Open the File Explorer by clicking on the folder icon on your taskbar or press the Windows key + E. Click on the "Downloads" folder in the left-hand panel. Look for the Print Yourself PDF file you just downloaded. You can sort the files by date or file type to make it easier to find.

On Mac
After downloading a Print Yourself PDF file on your Apple computer, you can find it in the Downloads folder. You can access this folder by clicking on the Finder icon located on the dock, then click on the Downloads folder.

You can also quickly get to it from Go > Downloads or by pressing Option + Command + L.


How can I open the Print Yourself PDFs?

To open and view the PDF files, you need the free Acrobat Reader. From here you can conveniently print the PDF files.

We do not recommend opening the PDF files directly in the browser and printing them from there, as the PDF content often appears incomplete or reduced in size.

If you cannot open the file despite having Acrobat Reader installed, or if you receive an error message, it is usually because the file was not downloaded completely. In this case, please proceed as follows:

1. Delete the file from your computer and download it again.
2. Wait until the file has completely downloaded before opening the file. Depending on the file size and your internet connection, the download may take a few minutes.


How can I print my PDFs?

For best results please use the free Acrobat Reader to print and make sure that the settings ‘Actual size’ and ‘Auto portrait/landscape’ are selected.

Print only selected pages
In the Print dialog box, you can then select which pages you want to print.

Size & Format
Make sure the option "Actual size" is selected and a check mark is set for "Auto portrait/landscape" so that the content is printed correctly.

The printout is incorrect or incomplete?
If the printout does not match the display on your screen, we recommend using the "Print as image" option in Acrobat Reader. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Choose File > Print from the menu to open the Print window.
2. Click on "Advanced" in the print window
3. Check the "Print PDF as image" option. Confirm the setting with "Ok" and start the print process.


How may I use the Print Yourself PDFs?

You can use your Print Yourself PDF files for personal and educational purposes. You can use it for an unlimited time and make as many copies as you like. For example, you can print a copy for each student in your class.

All our Print Yourself PDF files may only be used by the original purchaser. Distribution of the files to school staff or to parents and students is not permitted. It is also not permitted to make it available on the internet or to place it on a school server. It is prohibited to use the PDF file, printouts of the PDF file, and objects created from it for commercial purposes.