How can I use this resource?

With this resource kids can build and decorate their own Tiny House including furniture. Then they can calculate the area, perimeter and volume of the individual elements. A fantastic project - also for the group.

What does this resource contain?

This download includes templates for building the Tiny House and furniture, as well as a worksheet for entering the results and a solution sheet.

What is a Tiny House?

A Tiny House is a mini house with the most minimal living requirements. Tiny Houses are a special living alternative. They offer in the smallest space, everything you need to live and practice sustainability.

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Tiny House
Build your own tiny house and learn hands on about area, perimeter and volume.
Grade Levels
Grade Levels
Print Yourself PDF
Print Yourself PDF
13 pages, Instant Download: 1 PDF
Skill Focus
Skill Focus
Collaboration, Math & Logic, Spatial Awareness
Problem Solving
Subject Area
Subject Area
Math, Specialty
Popular Themes
Popular Themes
Math Made Fun
Resource Type
Resource Type
Activities, Craft Templates, Group Projects, Worksheets
Labbé PDFs
Labbé PDFs
What you’ll need
Scissors, Heavy printing paper, Colored pencils, Glue
10 years +, 12 years +
2 hours +

Do you want to make math more fun and creative for your kids? In this project, they will build their own Tiny House and learn by doing about area, perimeter and volume. To get started, all you need is to download and print our Tiny House templates.

Print out the templates on white printing paper and neatly cut them out.

Carefully cut out the doors and windows. Fold along the dotted lines to create the gluing tabs.

Color and design the templates how you like with colored pencils. The checkered areas of the walls and roof will eventually face inside the house.

Glue the walls of the house together and then glue them to the plot of land. Glue the roof to the wall with the small window. Glue all the furniture together.

Now you can decorate the house. Glue in the bathroom walls and the kitchen cabinets. The rest of the furniture can be placed inside and moved around as you like... WOW!

Next you can calculate the area and perimeter of the house and furniture and record your answers in the worksheet.

Tiny House

Build your own tiny house and learn hands on about area, perimeter and volume.

$ 4,90

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